We present the high-resolution Parkfield matched filter relocated earthquake (PKD-MR) catalog for the 2004 Mw 6 Parkfield earthquake sequence in central California. A relocated catalog that spans from 6 November 2003 to 28 March 2005 and contains 13,914 earthquakes, about three times the number of events listed in the Northern California Seismic Network catalog.
Contains relocated earthquakes with calibrated magnitude estimates. File format: YYYY MM dd hh mm ss.sss lat lon depth mag ex ey ez et rms ID YYYY: year of earthquake origin time MM: month dd: day hh: hour mm: minute ss.sss: seconds lat: latitude(degrees) lon: longitude(degrees) depth: depth in km mag: earthquake magnitude ex: North-South uncertainty estimated from bootstrapping (m) ey: East-West uncertainty estimated from bootstrapping (m) ez: depth uncertainty estimated from bootstrapping (m) et: origin time uncertainty estimated from bootstrapping (s) rms: root mean square of the differential times ID: event identifier
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Miguel Neves, Zhigang Peng, Guoqing Lin; A High‐Resolution Earthquake Catalog for the 2004 6 Parkfield Earthquake Sequence Using a Matched Filter Technique. Seismological Research Letters 2022; 94 (1): 507–521. doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/0220220206 .